Monday, October 5, 2009

Science Fiction in Indian Literature -An Anouncement!

For those who have longing for science fiction here is a good news -Indian Association of Science Fiction Studies (IASFS) ,Vellore ,Tamilnadu in collaboration with Sarswati Bhuvan Education Society (SBES) Aurangabad ,Maharashrtra and Vigyan Prasar New Delhi ,is all set to host a two day conference on
Science Fiction in Indian Literature on 14-15th November 2009 .

The event would be organized in Aurangabad which is a place of prime tourist attraction in India .The place is on world tourist map owing to the sculptures  of ancient caves Ajanta and Elora which are included in the list of world heritage sites also .

Aurngabad is well connected by the air and road with different places of India .The climate of the city would be pleasant with a temp range of 14-25 degree Celsius requiring occasionally warm clothing .

  Further details could be availed from Dr.Y .H .Deshpande who is convener of the event.


  1. I'd love to attend one of these one day. Unfortunately I'd need a little more notice. It can take a month to get a visa to travel to India.

  2. Quite right Cheryl ,May be next time we could plan and announce such an event well in advance.
    We would love to see you amongst us -Indian sf buffs.

  3. I hope you will be posting a report!

  4. ऐसे प्रयास विज्ञान कथा को स्थापित करने में सहायक होंगे। शुक्रिया।


If you strongly feel to say something on Indian SF please do so ! Your comment would be highly valued and appreciated !